Everyday, all over the world people like you and me are finding themselves sinking deeper and deeper in debt. Medical expenses, car repairs and overdue bills are just a few examples of of the hardships that seem to crop up when you least expect it. Some are financially secure enough to take care of these obstacles, most are not. When emergency situations have you in a bind a one hour payday loan is a very viable option to easing your money crunch. One hour payday loans can keep those overdue bills in at bay until your next paycheck arrives. The process is a quick, easy and a private affair these days with just the filing of an online form to the proper lending institution.
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An easy internet search will bring up dozens of online lenders willing to extend you a payday loan. Take your time. Do your research and compare interest rates and payback times and fees. Once you have found a lender that fits your liking then fill out their cash advance form with your personal and banking information. Take great care not to give any erroneous information such as routing numbers or social security numbers as these will be automatically rejected. There is no need to talk to anyone or fax anything anywhere. As long as you are at least 18 years old and have held a job for the past 6 months and have an active bank account that has direct deposit set up, you can fill out the application for a loan.
Once the brief form is filled out and your application is submitted than the lender reviews your application and looks at just a few other details. They will check to see if you have had a bankruptcy in the recent past. If you have defaulted on a quick cash advance before or if you have a current one hour payday loan out with another company at the present time. Any of these conditions will have a negative impact on your ability to secure the loan. These loans are simply cash advances that you repay with your next paycheck. Your promise to pay is your post dated check provided by you to the lender. Because of this arrangement, no credit check is performed and no collateral is required.
The terms of one hour payday loans are very short, no more than a month and usually within 15 days, until your next payday. Because these loans are so short term the interest rates are very high. The typical payday loan charges rate anywhere between 20%-30%, a staggering amount when you consider interest rates on a traditional loan. But because the cash advance is so short term the lender looks to make his money quickly. It is, as they say, the price of convenience. On the arrival of your due date the lender simply withdraws the amount of the loan plus any interest and fees directly out of your bank account. The entire process from beginning to end is handled electronically. One hour payday loans have become one of the easiest, safest ways to acquire quick cash for emergency situations.
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