You've been doing everything right. Your bills are paid, your kids have three hot meals per day, and you can even go out occasionally with your spouse to grab a movie and dinner. You have a few bucks in savings. Everything seems to be working out. Then, disaster strikes. Your furnace breaks down and you need almost a thousand dollars to get it fixed, and you only have a few hundred dollars on hand to spare. What are you going to do?
If you're like thousands of others, you may consider a quick cash advance that allows you to borrow against your next paycheck. Whether you use an online lending site or go to a local cash advance store, you'll want to check out interest rates and payment terms before you set anything down in writing. If you prefer to do your research online, there are several comparison sites that will let you find a company that meets all your needs.
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Quick cash advance companies are regulated by government regulations to cap interest rates, but these rules can change from state to state and country by country. You may want to check your local quick cash advance stores to see if they can beat the interest rates you'll find online. You'll also need to look at the repayment terms; while many companies require repayment of your loan and interest within two weeks, more are starting to offer terms as long as 100 days, which will give you more time to repay but will also be racking up the interest you'll owe. Your lender may also offer to extend your loan. Again, this gives you more time to pay, but you're paying additional compounded interest. If you extend the terms too long, you may find you owe more money than you borrowed in the first place!
In most cases, either type of lending company can get you your money within a day. In fact, some even offer to deposit the money in your checking account within a minute, or an hour. Don't let this tempt you to apply for quick cash advances all the time, however. If you find that you're having a hard time making ends meet and go to a debt consolidation or credit counseling program, a quick cash advance loan will not be included and you will still be required to pay at the interest rate you agreed upon when you applied for the loan. Some people have been forced to let the loans go into collections so they can roll the loans into their debt consolidation. Even though the companies normally do not run credit checks, failure to pay or late payments may show up on your credit report and lower your credit score.
Most loan companies have no restrictions on the money you borrow, so you can spend a quick cash advance however you see fit. A wise borrower will use it to pay bills or get something repaired. You don't want to use it to pay off a credit card, but it might be worthwhile to use on an overdue repayment that is about to put your credit card balance at the default rate of interest.
If you're able to repay your loan in a timely manner and can afford the interest rate, a quick cash advance can help you out of a tough situation.
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