Have you ever been caught in a situation when you require an injection of cash for a reason, and you struggle to raise the cash due to the fact that you do not have much cash in reserve? Well, I guess most of us have gone through that situation. Medical bills, a car accident, other emergencies, you name it, you might just encounter an emergency situation such as that that requires you to raise cash almost immediately. When this happens, what would be your reaction? How would you react to the challenge and get cash quick to solve your financial woes? Let us look at several ways of overcoming this complication as listed below:
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1) Payday loans - get an advance payday loan, a cash advance loan that makes use of your pay check as the guarantee. As long as you have a stable job that pays you well at the end of each month, and you are of legal age and have a valid bank account, you are eligible to apply for this service. And payday loans get approved fairly quickly (some even within 24 hours). Nevertheless the amount that we are talking about is usually small (maximum of approximately $2000), although the amount could be higher if your monthly salary is high. Interest rates for this loan is also high (exceeds 20% per loan), thus keep this option as a last option, or only when it is an exceptionally dire emergency situation
2) Home equity loan - this loan is available to any homeowner that has equity (which equates to the home's value minus the amount that you owe the bank). Your home acts as the collateral for this loan, thus be careful with this option, although it is easy to get, you must be careful not to borrow too much or you will end up in more debt! This loan is usually approved within a matter of day, or a couple of weeks at most
3) Personal loan - obtaining a personal loan is also an option for those requiring cash injections. Beware however that you might need collateral or guarantors, and the interest rates would be high as well. There are plenty of online lenders available out there that would offer you personal loans, thus before you opt for any of them, ensure that you are dealing with a legitimate company by checking with the Better Business Bureau
4) The credit card option - provided that you have available credit on your credit card account, you can obtain a cash advance from your credit card. The usual method is by inserting your credit card into an ATM machine, and getting you cash, though sometimes you might be required to obtain your cash from the counter. But remember, you would also be subject to high interest rates and even possibly other charges for cash advances.
As listed above, there are plenty of ways to obtain cash almost immediately when you are in need of it. The only drawback of these options is the fact that you would be subject to high interest rates for the loans, nevertheless if the need is dire enough, you would probably just be happy to have cash in hand. Do explore the option that suits you best if you need instant cash, but if possible, start with the least expensive and most reliable solution first. All the best!
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