Do you know how to complete your loan modification forms properly so that you have the best chance of getting your lender's approval? The fact is that your bank will base it's decision in large part on the information you provide to them-information on your loan modification forms shows your bank whether you meet their guidelines for approval or not. So, it is very important to learn and prepare before you submit your application for a loan workout to increase your chances of success. The federal loan workout program called HAMP has standard approval guidelines-you can use the very same formula the banks use to prepare your own accurate and acceptable application. Here are 3 mistakes to avoid when completing your loan modification forms:
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Mistake #1: Incomplete or inaccurate information-your lender will run your credit report and compare the information you have provided on your forms with your credit report. You must be sure to disclose all of your debts and income, and fill in all of the information the lender needs. Incomplete or inaccurate forms may be rejected.
Mistake #2: Not preparing a convincing and compelling Hardship Letter that really explains your situation and gives a valid reason for your financial difficulties. The goal is to get your bank to empathize with your circumstances, and paint the picture of a committed homeowner, who through now fault of their own, is in need of help to stay in their home with a loan modification to lower their monthly mortgage payment. When you write a Hardship letter explaining what happened, how it affected you and your plans to get back on track, you give your lender a reason to justify your loan workout approval. Make sure you include the 3 critical elements of an effective letter by following a helpful Hardship Letter Outline.
Mistake #3: Not knowing your lenders guidelines for approval and preparing your loan modification forms so they do not meet the qualifications. Simply put, if you know ahead of time what your bank needs to see in order to approve your application, you will be able to complete your forms so they have the best chance of meeting those approval guidelines. How can you qualify for something that you do not even know the requirements for? Why take a shot in the dark when you can increase your chances of completing your loan modification forms properly with just a little bit of knowledge and preparation? The HAMP guidelines are standard for everyone, use the Loan Mod Quick App software that mimics the federal approval guidelines to help you calculate your debt ratio, target payment, disposable income and more. It's just common sense, learn and prepare, and you will get better results!
The federal loan workout plan, called Home Affordable Modification has made easier than ever to work directly with your lender and get approved. Because this plan has standard guidelines for everyone-there is no more guess work! Simply know the basics of what is required to qualify, then complete your financial statement so that if meets those guidelines as closely as possible. Use the Loan Mod Quick APP software and you will know if you may have to make some minor adjustments to your budget to meet the target payment and debt ratio guideline. When you prepare your forms correctly ahead of time, you are giving yourself the inside edge to approval. Simply put-know the formula-follow the formula and you will most likely be approved!
Don't just slap your paperwork together and hope for the best-that is a big mistake. You can avoid these loan modification form mistakes and increase your chances for approval by taking the time to learn your banks guidelines for approval, understand how to complete your application so it meets those guidelines, and submitting an accurate and acceptable loan modification proposal. Help is available-if you know how to get it. Make sure you give yourself the edge you need to get the help you deserve.
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