There are a whole host of different APR loans available that can be used to fund your next car purchase. Borrowing money can be a good way of affording a newer and more economical car. However you do need to make sure you find the very best deal you can and manage the loan carefully to avoid overstretching your finances. Here are three essential ways in which you can find the best APR loans.
1. Shop Around
As with any credit product you will need to spend some time shopping around and looking at what deals are available. This will help you to give you a much better understanding of the market. Don't forget to look at lots of different lenders and not just the well known banks and building societies. Car dealers can also offer some cost effective car loan options which could be much more competitive than high street lenders. Also before you start looking set yourself a reasonable budget. This should be enough for you to get the car you want but not so much that it will put a strain on your finances. It is much easier to compare offers if you use the same budget figure each time.
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2. Go Online
Some of the best deals on APR loans are now available online. Also lenders offer great APR loans deals to attract new customers to their websites. Make sure you spend some time looking at the APR loans available online. A number of different lenders such as banks, building societies and even supermarkets sell loans through their websites. Make sure you check the credentials of each lender before you sign up to any loans. This is particularly important if you have never heard of them before or the details of the loans are deliberately vague on the website. You can save some time by visiting comparison websites but remember to confirm the APR deals with the main lender website before you sign as rates can change very quickly. One of the key considerations is to ensure the type of loan meets your needs. Many lenders offer rates that are subject to your personal circumstances, - this can mean the offer you see on-line is not the offer you receive once you've applied. Also consider when you need the funds available, - your new car can be sourced and delivered very quickly so you'll need a provider that can complete the funding process quickly and in time for the delivery of the car.
3. Compare APR and Loan Terms Together
When you are looking at loans you do need to compare both APR and loan term. Many low rate APR loans seem like great offers but when you look closer only long-term borrowing is offered. This means that typically the loan would be repaid over 3 to 5 years and so although the APR rate is lower you would actually end up paying a lot more in interest than you first realized. You may find that some higher rate APR deals are actually better for you if they are offered as short-term borrowing. This means that even though there is a higher rate of interest because you are paying the loan back more quickly (just 12 months in some cases) you will actually be paying less back overall.
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